

Uncontrollable Laughter

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First Pick

At around 9 or 10, I lived with my cousins and siblings. Occasionally, I'd stop by my cousin's room to watch them play videogames. Sometimes, we played WWE Wrestlemania X8 on the Nintendo Gamecube. The Gamecube is the most resiliant game console brick. It was dented countless times. But on this swelteringly hot weekend, we opted out of riding our bikes and stayed indoors instead.

"The Rock" (character) has a signature punch. Maybe I was playing as "Edge" or "Kane", my go-to wrestlers. Whenever we had house visitors, the house doorbell chimed with a distinctive melody. One of my cousins made the nutcracker move on one of our pin dazed wrestlers. The sound of the TV and the doorbell were on the same wavelength.

We bolted out the room. We laughed like hyenas. "Your not gonna have any kids, [INSERT NAME HERE]!" Throughout the next weeks/months, the memory was carved. Whoever was playing "The Rock" would try the same move. But lighting only strikes once. Our moment, in a lifetime. Of course none of the adults understood just how much of a coincidence this was. They probably thought we were having fun like normal kids do. This was peak gaming.

Second Pick

Me, my siblings, and cousins, were reacting to try not to laugh videos on YouTube. I was 10 at the time. The original video link is this video, while the non copyright video. The Green Llama segment made my ribs tickle. The llama's oddly ominous movement, the pillaring torso of a shark/horse, paired with tiny legs, was unusual. Finally, the awkward background underwater level tune music left me with a "why would I only have this option and not anyone else" feeling.
