
My name is Natan (NAH-tahn) Ceballos (seh-BYAH-yohs). I like writing. Every article, book, video, and website inspires me to write. I can't help but share my thoughts. I also want to learn many things, like different ways of thinking and living. That's partly why I consume/read alot of non-fiction.

Life View

I understand that anything I write is only valid in "Current ME's" mindset, and as a result, I may be wrong about alot things. I deliberately entertain ideas that I may initially oppose. That's my way of growing.

Cultural Norms

During my childhood, having always moved around (every 5-7 years) due to my parents' seperation. As a result, I developed a desire to keep moving and avoid settling down in one place permanently. My cultural norms are probably stereotypically American, but there are outliers. Some of them below:


I dislike excess possessions. This minimalist approach not only applies to my writing process but also extends to my attitude towards material belongings. My goal is to live with the following possesions:


I would say my family is neither bad nor good, just...there. I don't think blood being thicker than water shapes my perception of family. I don't feel any greater sense of obligation or attachment to my immediate family compared to strangers. Probably why I've always been interested in things that don't pertain to my culture exactly (American or Dominican).


I might come across as a complete hermit, but I'm not. Most people who meet me tend to see me as a complete extrovert because I love one-on-one conversations and start them.


Listening to music is like my love for one-on-one conversation. It's a one-to-one relationship between the song and me. Recently, I have started to enjoy parody songs more than I am ashamed to confess. These days, I don't play as much videogames as I used to, but ideally it's a composed video game or movie soundstrack. And I experience the emotions I felt when I played the game or watched the film. Not knowing any personal information about the artist.

My indifference towards music happens when I listen to it thinking about the sensationalized culture surrounding it. This is what would make it hard to connect with music casually. That pattern of thinking gets in the way of enjoying music usually. Just makes it a bit awkward is all. I have artists I like of course. But I don't discourage sharing music.

Reach Out!

You can email me at [email protected] to introduce yourself. I enjoy talking to people from all over the world and starting conversations. You don't have to ask a question, but if something I wrote made you think of a parallel in your own life, feel free to reach out. I love discussing ideas and I try my best to respond to everyone.
