

Progress and Human Capital

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All my ideas on the nature of progress. Incomplete. Maybe I will revisit to write more.

Tools and Trades

A tool or trade is justified by the precedence of the degree and history held in an area. Integrated into a society, the baseline expectation to build human capital begins with attributing more authority to cultivate opportunistic wages.


Like any other labor, it's replicable. We have institutions that follow pre-existing toolbelts building growing industries.

Human Labor and Fuel

Work to sustain life. When it doesn't, its a form of slavery. Atleast materially. Everything built expires. With the basis of trust in a dependency. Human or not. Food is the single most realiale indicator of life. The stomach doesn't stop churning until death. Your clothes, job, phone, etc, all degrade independently of our body. Natural food is made rotten. To scale, meet agricultural demands, and tastes ripe. In nature, its the opposite. When not ripe enough, you recognize its rotteness. Our definitions change to accomodate new methods of rotteness made ripe enough to enjoy.

Hands and Typewriters

We learn to write with a single hand reserved for a page. Then with a typewriter, force down, and "QWERTY" up. The creation process became more passive. "QWERTY" exists to slow down the typing speed. Sometimes inked characters left a faded blemish, not a print on the page. The tools guided people to be more active in the creation process through the inherent limitations. By pushing the key all the way down, we became more active in creation.

Feet, Mouth, and Analogy

We walk from point A to point B. We start from the natural lowest common denominator of transportation to gradually improve the next. Our body the same way. Our teeth grinds chunky food into pieces. We don't immediately swallow whole solid foods. Browsers work the same via Progressive Enhancement. Both begin by breaking down and delivering essential elements broadly. Then refining the experience for the esophagus / users that can handle more.

Excess to Vice

"Too good to be true" implies qualities that break down more than it's singular counterpart. "Good enough" exists so that "good" doesn't become an excess then a vice. That a thing "swallows up" another similar to it. Without breaking the vision down into smaller parts. Like accomodating a civilization for bikes when everyone is born crawling. "Too good to be true" is denying first building the pavement before building the city. Crawling before running.

Fanaticism and Obsession

Fanaticism and obsession are vices because they turn attention from the living present. They form an expectation of "living in the present" to an indefinite future. Science has always been an obsession. The same result can be changed to a different mission statement. The deprevation of life via science can be for the good of the mission statement. But for the good of the mission statement, the same deprevation of life via science is bad against it. This is why science as a tool functions for its own purpose. The world is chaos because cancer is too much of a good thing. Having enough sustains life, too little, too much, a poison. The same chemical responsible for death is the one we need to live and grow. In our body theres unexplainable growth that will function independently of the way we believe it happens. Like the world. Once we give a reason for existence, we move from answering a "how" to a "why" and control the definition regardless of how it's happening.
