

Well, well, well, why have I embarked on this digital diary-keeping escapade?

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Why now?

Recently, I've been considering the importance of documenting one's thoughts, ideas, and projects. It captures who we are as individuals. I believe that in the near future, humanity will be divided into two groups: producers and consumers, similar to how it is now but at a faster pace. I have been writing for nearly a year on a blog, documenting my learning and any interesting web development topics I come across. I also maintain a physical journal of my thoughts in the real world, but having an online version would be more convenient for me. Flipping through pages takes time, but with an online journal, I can easily access my thoughts from anywhere. Plus, the idea of having a time capsule of my thought process within a certain interval of time is intriguing. To me, documenting our thoughts is like painting a self-portrait with words. Now, imagine this over a lifetime, long-term. THAT, to me, is the goal.

I can reflect on world events and maybe in the future, a similar event will occur and I can refer back to my thoughts. It's like having a conversation with friends about an event and referencing something I've said before. I find the idea to be pretty cool. So cool, in fact, that I've built this website specifically for this purpose. I believe having a record of how my thought process has evolved would make for excellent content, although I don't plan on monetizing my writing anytime soon (but I wouldn't completely rule it out either).

The idea of having my current self pick and choose thoughts or ideas I find interesting and having those thoughts remain unaltered by me through the power of the internet holds me to a certain standard. There's no going back on what I've written, and that's what my newsletter is for.
